Inspec shell

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inspec shell
inspec help shell # This will describe inspec shell usage

inspec shell
Welcome to the interactive InSpec Shell
To find out how to use it, type: help

You are currently running on:

    Name:      ubuntu
    Families:  debian, linux, unix, os
    Release:   20.04
    Arch:      x86_64


inspec> help
You are currently running on:

    Name:      ubuntu
    Families:  debian, linux, unix, os
    Release:   20.04
    Arch:      x86_64

Available commands:

    `[resource]` - run resource on target machine
    `help resources` - show all available resources that can be used as commands
    `help [resource]` - information about a specific resource
    `help matchers` - show information about common matchers
    `exit` - exit the InSpec shell

You can use resources in this environment to test the target machine. For example:

    command('uname -a').stdout
    file('/proc/cpuinfo').content => "value"

See also[edit]
