ansible-doc -t lookup -l

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ansible-doc -t lookup -l                  Look up AWS account attributes                             Look up secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager                  Look up the IP ranges for services provided in AWS such...                                Get the value for a SSM parameter or all parameters und...
ansible.utils.get_path                            Retrieve the value in a variable using a path
ansible.utils.index_of                            Find the indices of items in a list matching some crite...
ansible.utils.to_paths                            Flatten a complex object into a dictionary of paths and...
ansible.utils.validate                            Validate data with provided criteria
awx.awx.controller_api                            Search the API for objects
awx.awx.schedule_rrule                            Generate an rrule string which can be used for Schedule...
awx.awx.schedule_rruleset                         Generate an rruleset string
azure.azcollection.azure_keyvault_secret          Read secret from Azure Key Vault
cloud.common.turbo_demo                           A demo for lookup plugins on cloud.common
community.general.bitwarden                       Retrieve secrets from Bitwarden
community.general.cartesian                       returns the cartesian product of lists
community.general.chef_databag                    fetches data from a Chef Databag
community.general.collection_version              Retrieves the version of an installed collection
community.general.consul_kv                       Fetch metadata from a Consul key value store
community.general.credstash                       retrieve secrets from Credstash on AWS
community.general.cyberarkpassword                get secrets from CyberArk AIM
community.general.dependent                       Composes a list with nested elements of other lists or ...
community.general.dig                             query DNS using the dnspython library
community.general.dnstxt                          query a domain(s)'s DNS txt fields
community.general.dsv                             Get secrets from Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault
community.general.etcd                            get info from an etcd server
community.general.etcd3                           Get key values from etcd3 server
community.general.filetree                        recursively match all files in a directory tree
community.general.flattened                       return single list completely flattened
community.general.hiera                           get info from hiera data
community.general.keyring                         grab secrets from the OS keyring
community.general.lastpass                        fetch data from LastPass
community.general.lmdb_kv                         fetch data from LMDB
community.general.manifold                        get credentials from
community.general.onepassword                     fetch field values from 1Password
community.general.onepassword_raw                 fetch an entire item from 1Password
community.general.passwordstore                   manage passwords with's pass utility
community.general.random_pet                      Generates random pet names
community.general.random_string                   Generates random string
community.general.random_words                    Return a number of random words
community.general.redis                           fetch data from Redis
community.general.revbitspss                      Get secrets from RevBits PAM server
community.general.shelvefile                      read keys from Python shelve file
community.general.tss                             Get secrets from Thycotic Secret Server                 Return GC Storage content
community.grafana.grafana_dashboard               list or search grafana dashboards
community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault                 Retrieve secrets from HashiCorp's Vault
community.hashi_vault.vault_ansible_settings      Returns plugin settings (options)
community.hashi_vault.vault_kv1_get               Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault's KV version 1 secret...
community.hashi_vault.vault_kv2_get               Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault's KV version 2 secret...
community.hashi_vault.vault_login                 Perform a login operation against HashiCorp Vault
community.hashi_vault.vault_read                  Perform a read operation against HashiCorp Vault
community.hashi_vault.vault_token_create          Create a HashiCorp Vault token
community.hashi_vault.vault_write                 Perform a write operation against HashiCorp Vault
community.mongodb.mongodb                         lookup info from MongoDB                             Look up ``Avi`` objects
community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq                       Retrieve messages from an AMQP/AMQPS RabbitMQ queue
community.skydive.skydive                         Query Skydive objects
community.sops.sops                               Read sops encrypted file contents                   Retrieves the LAPS password for a server
config                                            Lookup current Ansible configuration values
csvfile                                           read data from a TSV or CSV file
cyberark.conjur.conjur_variable                   Fetch credentials from CyberArk Conjur
dict                                              returns key/value pair items from dictionaries
env                                               Read the value of environment variables
f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_license               Select a random license key from a pool of biqiq availa...
f5networks.f5_modules.license_hopper              Return random license from list
file                                              read file contents
fileglob                                          list files matching a pattern
first_found                                       return first file found from list
indexed_items                                     rewrites lists to return 'indexed items'
infoblox.nios_modules.nios_lookup                 Query Infoblox NIOS objects
infoblox.nios_modules.nios_next_ip                Return the next available IP address for a network
infoblox.nios_modules.nios_next_network           Return the next available network range for a network-c...
ini                                               read data from an ini file
inventory_hostnames                               list of inventory hosts matching a host pattern
items                                             list of items
kubernetes.core.k8s                               Query the K8s API
kubernetes.core.kustomize                         Build a set of kubernetes resources using a 'kustomizat...
lines                                             read lines from command
list                                              simply returns what it is given
nested                                            composes a list with nested elements of other lists
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_host         Collects host information
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_host_detail  Expands the host information from santricity_host looku...
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_lun_mapping  UNDOCUMENTED
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_storage_pool Storage pool information
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_volume       UNDOCUMENTED
netbox.netbox.nb_lookup                           Queries and returns elements from NetBox
password                                          retrieve or generate a random password, stored in a fil...
pipe                                              read output from a command
random_choice                                     return random element from list
sequence                                          generate a list based on a number sequence
subelements                                       traverse nested key from a list of dictionaries
template                                          retrieve contents of file after templating with Jinja2
together                                          merges lists into synchronized list
unvault                                           read vaulted file(s) contents
url                                               return contents from URL
varnames                                          Lookup matching variable names
vars                                              Lookup templated value of variables
vmware.vmware_rest.cluster_moid                   Look up MoID for vSphere cluster objects using vCenter ...
vmware.vmware_rest.datacenter_moid                Look up MoID for vSphere datacenter objects using vCent...
vmware.vmware_rest.datastore_moid                 Look up MoID for vSphere datastore objects using vCente...
vmware.vmware_rest.folder_moid                    Look up MoID for vSphere folder objects using vCenter R...
vmware.vmware_rest.host_moid                      Look up MoID for vSphere host objects using vCenter RES...
vmware.vmware_rest.network_moid                   Look up MoID for vSphere network objects using vCenter ...
vmware.vmware_rest.resource_pool_moid             Look up MoID for vSphere resource pool objects using vC...
vmware.vmware_rest.vm_moid                        Look up MoID for vSphere vm objects using vCenter REST ...
wti.remote.cpm_alarm_info                         Get alarm information from WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_config_backup                      Get parameters from WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_config_restore                     Send operational parameters to WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_current_info                       Get the Current Information of a WTI device
wti.remote.cpm_firmware_info                      Get firmware information from WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_firmware_update                    Set Serial port parameters in WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_hostname_config                    Set Hostname (Site ID), Location, Asset Tag parameters ...
wti.remote.cpm_hostname_info                      Get Hostname (Site ID), Location, Asset Tag parameters ...
wti.remote.cpm_interface_config                   Set network interface parameters in WTI OOB and PDU dev...
wti.remote.cpm_interface_info                     Get network interface parameters from WTI OOB and PDU d...
wti.remote.cpm_iptables_config                    Set network IPTables parameters in WTI OOB and PDU devi...
wti.remote.cpm_iptables_info                      Get network IPTABLES parameters from WTI OOB and PDU de...
wti.remote.cpm_metering                           Get Power and Current data from WTI OOB/Combo and PDU d...
wti.remote.cpm_plugconfig                         Get and Set Plug Parameters on WTI OOB and PDU power de...
wti.remote.cpm_plugcontrol                        Get and Set Plug actions on WTI OOB and PDU power devic...
wti.remote.cpm_power_info                         Get the Power Information of a WTI device
wti.remote.cpm_serial_port_action_info            Get Serial port connection status in WTI OOB and PDU de...
wti.remote.cpm_serial_port_action_set             Set Serial port connection/disconnection commands in WT...
wti.remote.cpm_serial_port_config                 Set Serial port parameters in WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_serial_port_info                   Get Serial port parameters in WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_snmp_config                        Set network IPTables parameters in WTI OOB and PDU devi...
wti.remote.cpm_snmp_info                          Get network SNMP parameters from WTI OOB and PDU device...
wti.remote.cpm_status                             Get status and parameters from WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_status_info                        Get general status information from WTI OOB and PDU dev...
wti.remote.cpm_syslog_client_config               Set network SYSLOG Client parameters in WTI OOB and PDU...
wti.remote.cpm_syslog_client_info                 Get network SYSLOG Client parameters from WTI OOB and P...
wti.remote.cpm_syslog_server_config               Set network SYSLOG Server parameters in WTI OOB and PDU...
wti.remote.cpm_syslog_server_info                 Get network SYSLOG Server parameters from WTI OOB and P...
wti.remote.cpm_temp_info                          Get temperature information from WTI OOB and PDU device...
wti.remote.cpm_time_config                        Set Time/Date parameters in WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_time_info                          Get Time/Date parameters in WTI OOB and PDU devices
wti.remote.cpm_user                               Get various status and parameters from WTI OOB and PDU ...

See also[edit]
