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level=error ts=2024-04-09T16:24:20.261921Z caller=main.go:66 msg="validating config" err="MULTIPLE CONFIG ERRORS FOUND, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY\nCONFIG ERROR: schema v13 is required to store Structured Metadata and use native OTLP ingestion, your schema version is v11. Set `allow_structured_metadata: false` in the `limits_config` section or set the command line argument `-validation.allow-structured-metadata=false` and restart Loki. Then proceed to update to schema v13 or newer before re-enabling this config, search for 'Storage Schema' in the docs for the schema update procedure\nCONFIG ERROR: `tsdb` index type is required to store Structured Metadata and use native OTLP ingestion, your index type is `boltdb-shipper` (defined in the `store` parameter of the schema_config). Set `allow_structured_metadata: false` in the `limits_config` section or set the command line argument `-validation.allow-structured-metadata=false` and restart Loki. Then proceed to update the schema to use index type `tsdb` before re-enabling this config, search for 'Storage Schema' in the docs for the schema update procedure"


See also[edit]
