ktail --help

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ktail --help
      --all-namespaces          Apply to all Kubernetes namespaces
      --context string          Kubernetes context name
  -x, --exclude stringArray     Exclude using a regular expression. Pattern can be repeated. Takes priority over include patterns and labels.
      --kubeconfig string       Path to kubeconfig (only required out-of-cluster)
  -n, --namespace stringArray   Kubernetes namespace
      --no-color                Disable color.
  -q, --quiet                   Don't print events about new/deleted pods
  -r, --raw                     Don't format output; output messages only (unless --timestamps)
  -l, --selector string         Match pods by label (see 'kubectl get -h' for syntax).
  -s, --since-start             Start reading log from the beginning of the container's lifetime.
  -t, --template string         Template to format each line. For example, for just the message, use --template '{{ .Message }}'.
  -T, --timestamps              Include timestamps on each line
      --version                 Show version.
pflag: help requested


See also[edit]
