heroku apps:create --help

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creates a new app

  $ heroku apps:create [APP]

  APP  name of app to create

  -b, --buildpack=buildpack  buildpack url to use for this app
  -n, --no-remote            do not create a git remote
  -r, --remote=remote        the git remote to create, default "heroku"
  -s, --stack=stack          the stack to create the app on
  -t, --team=team            team to use
  --addons=addons            comma-delimited list of addons to install
  --json                     output in json format
  --region=region            specify region for the app to run in
  --space=space              the private space to create the app in
  --ssh-git                  use SSH git protocol for local git remote

  $ heroku apps:create
  Creating app... done, stack is heroku-20
  https://floating-dragon-42.heroku.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/floating-dragon-42.git

  # or just
  $ heroku create

  # use a heroku.yml manifest file
  $ heroku apps:create --manifest

  # specify a buildpack
  $ heroku apps:create --buildpack https://github.com/some/buildpack.git

  # specify a name
  $ heroku apps:create example

  # create a staging app
  $ heroku apps:create example-staging --remote staging

  # create an app in the eu region
  $ heroku apps:create --region eu

See also[edit]
