bolt task show

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  • bolt task show
 facts                        Gather system facts

  http_request                 Make a HTTP or HTTPS request.
  package                      Manage and inspect the state of packages
  pkcs7::secret_createkeys     Create a key pair
  pkcs7::secret_decrypt        Encrypt sensitive data with pkcs7
  pkcs7::secret_encrypt        Encrypt sensitive data with pkcs7
  puppet_agent::facts_diff     Run the Puppet agent facts diff action
  puppet_agent::install        Install the Puppet agent package
  puppet_agent::version        Get the version of the Puppet agent package installed. Returns nothing...
  puppet_conf                  Inspect puppet agent configuration settings
  reboot                       Reboots a machine
  reboot::last_boot_time       Gets the last boot time of a Linux or Windows system
  service                      Manage and inspect the state of services
  terraform::apply             Apply an HCL manifest
  terraform::destroy           Destroy resources managed with Terraform
  terraform::initialize        Initialize a Terraform project directory
  terraform::output            JSON representation of Terraform outputs


Additional information
  Use 'bolt task show <TASK NAME>' to view details and parameters for a specific task.

See also[edit]
