auth0 --help

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auth0 --help
Supercharge your development workflow.

Before using the CLI, you'll need to login:

  $ auth0 login

  auth0 <resource> <operation> [parameters...] [flags]

Available Resources:
  actions     Manage resources for actions
  apis        Manage resources for APIs [resource-servers]
  apps        Manage resources for applications [clients]
  branding    Manage branding options
  completion  Setup autocomplete features for this CLI on your terminal
  ips         Manage blocked IP addresses
  login       Authenticate the Auth0 CLI
  logout      Log out of a tenant's session
  logs        View tenant logs
  orgs        Manage resources for organizations [organizations]
  protection  Manage resources for attack protection [attack-protection, ap]
  quickstarts Quickstart support for getting bootstrapped [qs]
  roles       Manage resources for roles
  rules       Manage resources for rules
  tenants     Manage configured tenants
  test        Try your Universal Login box or get a token
  users       Manage resources for users 
      --debug           Enable debug mode.
      --force           Skip confirmation.
      --format string   Command output format. Options: json.
  -h, --help            help for auth0
      --no-color        Disable colors.
      --no-input        Disable interactivity.
      --tenant string   Specific tenant to use.
  -v, --version         version for auth0

Use "auth0 [command] --help" for more information about a command.

See also[edit]
