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/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter# cat README.textfile
Textfile Collector

The textfile collector is similar to the Pushgateway, in that it allows
exporting of statistics from batch jobs. It can also be used to export static
metrics, such as what role a machine has. The Pushgateway should be used for
service-level metrics. The textfile module is for metrics that are tied to a

To use it, create files in this directory that are readable by the prometheus
user.  The collector will parse all files in matching the glob *.prom using the
text format.

To atomically push completion time for a cron job:

echo my_batch_job_completion_time $(date +%s) > \
mv /var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter/my_batch_job.prom.$$ \

To statically set roles for a machine using labels:

echo 'role{role="application_server"} 1' > \
mv /var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter/role.prom.$$ \

Prometheus, Prometheus Node exporter, /etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter, node_exporter.arg
