Nomad -help

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nomad -help
Usage: nomad [-version] [-help] [-autocomplete-(un)install] <command> [args]

Common commands:
    run         Run a new job or update an existing job
    stop        Stop a running job
    status      Display the status output for a resource
    alloc       Interact with allocations
    job        Interact with jobs
    node        Interact with nodes
    agent       Runs a Nomad agent

Other commands:
    acl             Interact with ACL policies and tokens
    agent-info      Display status information about the local agent
    deployment      Interact with deployments
    eval           Interact with evaluations
    exec            Execute commands in task
    namespace       Interact with namespaces
    operator        Provides cluster-level tools for Nomad operators
    quota           Interact with quotas
    sentinel        Interact with Sentinel policies
    server          Interact with servers
    ui              Open the Nomad Web UI
    version         Prints the Nomad version

See also[edit]
