Virsh backup-begin

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          backup-begin domain [backupxml] [checkpointxml] [--reuse-external]

       Begin a new backup job. If backupxml is omitted, this defaults to a full backup using a push model to filenames generated by libvirt; supplying  XML
       allows  fine-tuning  such  as requesting an incremental backup relative to an earlier checkpoint, controlling which disks participate or which file‐
       names are involved, or requesting the use of a pull model backup.  The backup-dumpxml command shows any resulting values assigned  by  libvirt.  For
       more information on backup XML, see:

       If --reuse-external is used it instructs libvirt to reuse temporary and output files provided by the user in backupxml.

       If  checkpointxml  is specified, a second file with a top-level element of domaincheckpoint is used to create a simultaneous checkpoint, for doing a
       later incremental backup relative to the time the backup was created. See checkpoint-create for more details on checkpoints.

       This command returns as soon as possible, and the backup job runs in the background; the progress of  a  push  model  backup  can  be  checked  with
       domjobinfo  or  by waiting for an event with event (the progress of a pull model backup is under the control of whatever third party connects to the
       NBD export). The job is ended with domjobabort.

Related terms

See also
