openstack --help

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openstack --help
usage: openstack [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug] [--os-cloud <cloud-config-name>]
                 [--os-region-name <auth-region-name>] [--os-cacert <ca-bundle-file>] [--os-cert <certificate-file>]
                 [--os-key <key-file>] [--verify | --insecure] [--os-default-domain <auth-domain>]
                 [--os-interface <interface>] [--os-service-provider <service_provider>]
                 [--os-remote-project-name <remote_project_name> | --os-remote-project-id <remote_project_id>]
                 [--os-remote-project-domain-name <remote_project_domain_name> | --os-remote-project-domain-id <remote_project_domain_id>]
                 [--timing] [--os-beta-command] [--os-compute-api-version <compute-api-version>]
                 [--os-identity-api-version <identity-api-version>] [--os-image-api-version <image-api-version>]
                 [--os-network-api-version <network-api-version>] [--os-object-api-version <object-api-version>]
                 [--os-volume-api-version <volume-api-version>] [--os-auth-type <auth-type>]
                 [--os-endpoint <auth-endpoint>] [--os-token <auth-token>] [--os-auth-url <auth-auth-url>]
                 [--os-system-scope <auth-system-scope>] [--os-domain-id <auth-domain-id>]
                 [--os-domain-name <auth-domain-name>] [--os-project-id <auth-project-id>]
                 [--os-project-name <auth-project-name>] [--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>]
                 [--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>] [--os-trust-id <auth-trust-id>]
                 [--os-auth-methods <auth-auth-methods>] [--os-user-id <auth-user-id>]
                 [--os-username <auth-username>] [--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>]
                 [--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>] [--os-passcode <auth-passcode>]
                 [--os-identity-provider <auth-identity-provider>] [--os-protocol <auth-protocol>]
                 [--os-client-id <auth-client-id>] [--os-client-secret <auth-client-secret>]
                 [--os-openid-scope <auth-openid-scope>] [--os-access-token-endpoint <auth-access-token-endpoint>]
                 [--os-discovery-endpoint <auth-discovery-endpoint>] [--os-access-token-type <auth-access-token-type>]
                 [--os-password <auth-password>] [--os-redirect-uri <auth-redirect-uri>] [--os-code <auth-code>]
                 [--os-application-credential-secret <auth-application-credential-secret>]
                 [--os-application-credential-id <auth-application-credential-id>]
                 [--os-application-credential-name <auth-application-credential-name>]
                 [--os-access-token <auth-access-token>] [--os-default-domain-id <auth-default-domain-id>]
                 [--os-default-domain-name <auth-default-domain-name>]

Command-line interface to the OpenStack APIs

optional arguments:
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
  -q, --quiet           Suppress output except warnings and errors.
  --log-file LOG_FILE
                        Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
  -h, --help            Show help message and exit.
  --debug               Show tracebacks on errors.
  --os-cloud <cloud-config-name>
                        Cloud name in clouds.yaml (Env: OS_CLOUD)
  --os-region-name <auth-region-name>
                        Authentication region name (Env: OS_REGION_NAME)
  --os-cacert <ca-bundle-file>
                        CA certificate bundle file (Env: OS_CACERT)
  --os-cert <certificate-file>
                        Client certificate bundle file (Env: OS_CERT)
  --os-key <key-file>
                        Client certificate key file (Env: OS_KEY)
  --verify              Verify server certificate (default)
  --insecure            Disable server certificate verification
  --os-default-domain <auth-domain>
                        Default domain ID, default=default. (Env: OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN)
  --os-interface <interface>
                        Select an interface type. Valid interface types: [admin, public, internal]. default=public, (Env: OS_INTERFACE)
  --os-service-provider <service_provider>
                        Authenticate with and perform the command on a service provider using Keystone-to-keystone federation. Must also
                        specify the remote project option.
  --os-remote-project-name <remote_project_name>
                        Project name when authenticating to a service provider if using Keystone-to-Keystone federation.
  --os-remote-project-id <remote_project_id>
                        Project ID when authenticating to a service provider if using Keystone-to-Keystone federation.
  --os-remote-project-domain-name <remote_project_domain_name>
                        Domain name of the project when authenticating to a service provider if using Keystone-to-Keystone federation.
  --os-remote-project-domain-id <remote_project_domain_id>
                        Domain ID of the project when authenticating to a service provider if using Keystone-to-Keystone federation.
  --timing              Print API call timing info
  --os-beta-command     Enable beta commands which are subject to change
  --os-compute-api-version <compute-api-version>
                        Compute API version, default=2.1 (Env: OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION)
  --os-identity-api-version <identity-api-version>
                        Identity API version, default=3 (Env: OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION)
  --os-image-api-version <image-api-version>
                        Image API version, default=2 (Env: OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION)
  --os-network-api-version <network-api-version>
                        Network API version, default=2.0 (Env: OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION)
  --os-object-api-version <object-api-version>
                        Object API version, default=1 (Env: OS_OBJECT_API_VERSION)
  --os-volume-api-version <volume-api-version>
                        Volume API version, default=3 (Env: OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION)
  --os-auth-type <auth-type>
                        Select an authentication type. Available types: admin_token, v3multifactor, v3totp, v2token, v3oidcpassword,
                        v2password, v3password, noauth, v3oidcauthcode, v3oidcclientcredentials, v3tokenlessauth, v3applicationcredential,
                        none, v3oidcaccesstoken, v3token, password, http_basic, token. Default: selected based on --os-username/--os-token
                        (Env: OS_AUTH_TYPE)
  --os-endpoint <auth-endpoint>
                        With admin_token: The endpoint that will always be used With noauth: Cinder endpoint With none: The endpoint that
                        will always be used With http_basic: The endpoint that will always be used (Env: OS_ENDPOINT)
  --os-token <auth-token>
                        With admin_token: The token that will always be used With v2token: Token With v3token: Token to authenticate with
                        With token: Token to authenticate with (Env: OS_TOKEN)
  --os-auth-url <auth-auth-url>
                        With v3multifactor: Authentication URL With v3totp: Authentication URL With v2token: Authentication URL With
                        v3oidcpassword: Authentication URL With v2password: Authentication URL With v3password: Authentication URL With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Authentication URL With v3oidcclientcredentials: Authentication URL With v3tokenlessauth:
                        Authentication URL With v3applicationcredential: Authentication URL With v3oidcaccesstoken: Authentication URL With
                        v3token: Authentication URL With password: Authentication URL With token: Authentication URL (Env: OS_AUTH_URL)
  --os-system-scope <auth-system-scope>
                        With v3multifactor: Scope for system operations With v3totp: Scope for system operations With v3oidcpassword: Scope
                        for system operations With v3password: Scope for system operations With v3oidcauthcode: Scope for system operations
                        With v3oidcclientcredentials: Scope for system operations With v3applicationcredential: Scope for system operations
                        With v3oidcaccesstoken: Scope for system operations With v3token: Scope for system operations With password: Scope
                        for system operations With token: Scope for system operations (Env: OS_SYSTEM_SCOPE)
  --os-domain-id <auth-domain-id>
                        With v3multifactor: Domain ID to scope to With v3totp: Domain ID to scope to With v3oidcpassword: Domain ID to scope
                        to With v3password: Domain ID to scope to With v3oidcauthcode: Domain ID to scope to With v3oidcclientcredentials:
                        Domain ID to scope to With v3tokenlessauth: Domain ID to scope to With v3applicationcredential: Domain ID to scope to
                        With v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain ID to scope to With v3token: Domain ID to scope to With password: Domain ID to scope
                        to With token: Domain ID to scope to (Env: OS_DOMAIN_ID)
  --os-domain-name <auth-domain-name>
                        With v3multifactor: Domain name to scope to With v3totp: Domain name to scope to With v3oidcpassword: Domain name to
                        scope to With v3password: Domain name to scope to With v3oidcauthcode: Domain name to scope to With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Domain name to scope to With v3tokenlessauth: Domain name to scope to With
                        v3applicationcredential: Domain name to scope to With v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain name to scope to With v3token: Domain
                        name to scope to With password: Domain name to scope to With token: Domain name to scope to (Env: OS_DOMAIN_NAME)
  --os-project-id <auth-project-id>
                        With v3multifactor: Project ID to scope to With v3totp: Project ID to scope to With v3oidcpassword: Project ID to
                        scope to With v3password: Project ID to scope to With noauth: Project ID With v3oidcauthcode: Project ID to scope to
                        With v3oidcclientcredentials: Project ID to scope to With v3tokenlessauth: Project ID to scope to With
                        v3applicationcredential: Project ID to scope to With v3oidcaccesstoken: Project ID to scope to With v3token: Project
                        ID to scope to With password: Project ID to scope to With token: Project ID to scope to (Env: OS_PROJECT_ID)
  --os-project-name <auth-project-name>
                        With v3multifactor: Project name to scope to With v3totp: Project name to scope to With v3oidcpassword: Project name
                        to scope to With v3password: Project name to scope to With v3oidcauthcode: Project name to scope to With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Project name to scope to With v3tokenlessauth: Project name to scope to With
                        v3applicationcredential: Project name to scope to With v3oidcaccesstoken: Project name to scope to With v3token:
                        Project name to scope to With password: Project name to scope to With token: Project name to scope to (Env:
  --os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>
                        With v3multifactor: Domain ID containing project With v3totp: Domain ID containing project With v3oidcpassword:
                        Domain ID containing project With v3password: Domain ID containing project With v3oidcauthcode: Domain ID containing
                        project With v3oidcclientcredentials: Domain ID containing project With v3tokenlessauth: Domain ID containing project
                        With v3applicationcredential: Domain ID containing project With v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3token: Domain ID containing project With password: Domain ID containing project With token: Domain ID containing
                        project (Env: OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID)
  --os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>
                        With v3multifactor: Domain name containing project With v3totp: Domain name containing project With v3oidcpassword:
                        Domain name containing project With v3password: Domain name containing project With v3oidcauthcode: Domain name
                        containing project With v3oidcclientcredentials: Domain name containing project With v3tokenlessauth: Domain name
                        containing project With v3applicationcredential: Domain name containing project With v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain name
                        containing project With v3token: Domain name containing project With password: Domain name containing project With
                        token: Domain name containing project (Env: OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME)
  --os-trust-id <auth-trust-id>
                        With v3multifactor: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With v3totp: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With
                        v2token: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With v3oidcpassword: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With
                        v2password: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With v3password: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With
                        v3oidcauthcode: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With v3oidcclientcredentials: ID of the trust to use as a
                        trustee use With v3applicationcredential: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With v3oidcaccesstoken: ID of the
                        trust to use as a trustee use With v3token: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use With password: ID of the trust to
                        use as a trustee use With token: ID of the trust to use as a trustee use (Env: OS_TRUST_ID)
  --os-auth-methods <auth-auth-methods>
                        With v3multifactor: Methods to authenticate with. (Env: OS_AUTH_METHODS)
  --os-user-id <auth-user-id>
                        With v3totp: User ID With v2password: User ID to login with With v3password: User ID With noauth: User ID With
                        v3applicationcredential: User ID With password: User id (Env: OS_USER_ID)
  --os-username <auth-username>
                        With v3totp: Username With v3oidcpassword: Username With v2password: Username to login with With v3password: Username
                        With v3applicationcredential: Username With password: Username With http_basic: Username (Env: OS_USERNAME)
  --os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>
                        With v3totp: User's domain id With v3password: User's domain id With v3applicationcredential: User's domain id With
                        password: User's domain id (Env: OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID)
  --os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>
                        With v3totp: User's domain name With v3password: User's domain name With v3applicationcredential: User's domain name
                        With password: User's domain name (Env: OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME)
  --os-passcode <auth-passcode>
                        With v3totp: User's TOTP passcode (Env: OS_PASSCODE)
  --os-identity-provider <auth-identity-provider>
                        With v3oidcpassword: Identity Provider's name With v3oidcauthcode: Identity Provider's name With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Identity Provider's name With v3oidcaccesstoken: Identity Provider's name (Env:
  --os-protocol <auth-protocol>
                        With v3oidcpassword: Protocol for federated plugin With v3oidcauthcode: Protocol for federated plugin With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Protocol for federated plugin With v3oidcaccesstoken: Protocol for federated plugin (Env:
  --os-client-id <auth-client-id>
                        With v3oidcpassword: OAuth 2.0 Client ID With v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Client ID With v3oidcclientcredentials: OAuth
                        2.0 Client ID (Env: OS_CLIENT_ID)
  --os-client-secret <auth-client-secret>
                        With v3oidcpassword: OAuth 2.0 Client Secret With v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Client Secret With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OAuth 2.0 Client Secret (Env: OS_CLIENT_SECRET)
  --os-openid-scope <auth-openid-scope>
                        With v3oidcpassword: OpenID Connect scope that is requested from authorization server. Note that the OpenID Connect
                        specification states that "openid" must be always specified. With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID Connect scope that is
                        requested from authorization server. Note that the OpenID Connect specification states that "openid" must be always
                        specified. With v3oidcclientcredentials: OpenID Connect scope that is requested from authorization server. Note that
                        the OpenID Connect specification states that "openid" must be always specified. (Env: OS_OPENID_SCOPE)
  --os-access-token-endpoint <auth-access-token-endpoint>
                        With v3oidcpassword: OpenID Connect Provider Token Endpoint. Note that if a discovery document is being passed this
                        option will override the endpoint provided by the server in the discovery document. With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID
                        Connect Provider Token Endpoint. Note that if a discovery document is being passed this option will override the
                        endpoint provided by the server in the discovery document. With v3oidcclientcredentials: OpenID Connect Provider
                        Token Endpoint. Note that if a discovery document is being passed this option will override the endpoint provided by
                        the server in the discovery document. (Env: OS_ACCESS_TOKEN_ENDPOINT)
  --os-discovery-endpoint <auth-discovery-endpoint>
                        With v3oidcpassword: OpenID Connect Discovery Document URL. The discovery document will be used to obtain the values
                        of the access token endpoint and the authentication endpoint. This URL should look like
               With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID Connect Discovery Document URL.
                        The discovery document will be used to obtain the values of the access token endpoint and the authentication
                        endpoint. This URL should look like With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OpenID Connect Discovery Document URL. The discovery document will be used to obtain the
                        values of the access token endpoint and the authentication endpoint. This URL should look like
               (Env: OS_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT)
  --os-access-token-type <auth-access-token-type>
                        With v3oidcpassword: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Introspection token type, it is used to decide which type of
                        token will be used when processing token introspection. Valid values are: "access_token" or "id_token" With
                        v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Introspection token type, it is used to decide which type of token
                        will be used when processing token introspection. Valid values are: "access_token" or "id_token" With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Introspection token type, it is used to decide which type of
                        token will be used when processing token introspection. Valid values are: "access_token" or "id_token" (Env:
  --os-password <auth-password>
                        With v3oidcpassword: Password With v2password: Password to use With v3password: User's password With password: User's
                        password With http_basic: User's password (Env: OS_PASSWORD)
  --os-redirect-uri <auth-redirect-uri>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID Connect Redirect URL (Env: OS_REDIRECT_URI)
  --os-code <auth-code>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code (Env: OS_CODE)
  --os-application-credential-secret <auth-application-credential-secret>
                        With v3applicationcredential: Application credential auth secret (Env: OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET)
  --os-application-credential-id <auth-application-credential-id>
                        With v3applicationcredential: Application credential ID (Env: OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID)
  --os-application-credential-name <auth-application-credential-name>
                        With v3applicationcredential: Application credential name (Env: OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_NAME)
  --os-access-token <auth-access-token>
                        With v3oidcaccesstoken: OAuth 2.0 Access Token (Env: OS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
  --os-default-domain-id <auth-default-domain-id>
                        With password: Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user and project
                        domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication. With token: Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2 parameters. It
                        will be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication. (Env: OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID)
  --os-default-domain-name <auth-default-domain-name>
                        With password: Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user and
                        project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication. With token: Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2
                        parameters. It will be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication. (Env:

  access rule delete  Delete access rule(s)
  access rule list  List access rules
  access rule show  Display access rule details
  access token create  Create an access token
  address group create  Create a new Address Group
  address group delete  Delete address group(s)
  address group list  List address groups
  address group set  Set address group properties
  address group show  Display address group details
  address group unset  Unset address group properties
  address scope create  Create a new Address Scope
  address scope delete  Delete address scope(s)
  address scope list  List address scopes
  address scope set  Set address scope properties
  address scope show  Display address scope details
  aggregate add host  Add host to aggregate
  aggregate cache image  Request image caching for aggregate
  aggregate create  Create a new aggregate
  aggregate delete  Delete existing aggregate(s)
  aggregate list  List all aggregates
  aggregate remove host  Remove host from aggregate
  aggregate set  Set aggregate properties
  aggregate show  Display aggregate details
  aggregate unset  Unset aggregate properties
  application credential create  Create new application credential
  application credential delete  Delete application credentials(s)
  application credential list  List application credentials
  application credential show  Display application credential details
  availability zone list  List availability zones and their status
  catalog list  List services in the service catalog
  catalog show  Display service catalog details
  command list  List recognized commands by group
  complete  print bash completion command (cliff)
  compute agent create  Create compute agent.
  compute agent delete  Delete compute agent(s).
  compute agent list  List compute agents.
  compute agent set  Set compute agent properties.
  compute service delete  Delete compute service(s)
  compute service list  List compute services. Using ``--os-compute-api-version`` 2.53 or greater will return the ID as a UUID value which can be used to uniquely identify the service in a multi-cell deployment.
  compute service set  Set compute service properties
  configuration show  Display configuration details
  consistency group add volume  Add volume(s) to consistency group
  consistency group create  Create new consistency group.
  consistency group delete  Delete consistency group(s).
  consistency group list  List consistency groups.
  consistency group remove volume  Remove volume(s) from consistency group
  consistency group set  Set consistency group properties
  consistency group show  Display consistency group details.
  consistency group snapshot create  Create new consistency group snapshot.
  consistency group snapshot delete  Delete consistency group snapshot(s).
  consistency group snapshot list  List consistency group snapshots.
  consistency group snapshot show  Display consistency group snapshot details
  console log show  Show server's console output
  console url show  Show server's remote console URL
  consumer create  Create new consumer
  consumer delete  Delete consumer(s)
  consumer list  List consumers
  consumer set  Set consumer properties
  consumer show  Display consumer details
  container create  Create new container
  container delete  Delete container
  container list  List containers
  container save  Save container contents locally
  container set  Set container properties
  container show  Display container details
  container unset  Unset container properties
  credential create  Create new credential
  credential delete  Delete credential(s)
  credential list  List credentials
  credential set  Set credential properties
  credential show  Display credential details
  domain create  Create new domain
  domain delete  Delete domain(s)
  domain list  List domains
  domain set  Set domain properties
  domain show  Display domain details
  ec2 credentials create  Create EC2 credentials
  ec2 credentials delete  Delete EC2 credentials
  ec2 credentials list  List EC2 credentials
  ec2 credentials show  Display EC2 credentials details
  endpoint add project  Associate a project to an endpoint
  endpoint create  Create new endpoint
  endpoint delete  Delete endpoint(s)
  endpoint group add project  Add a project to an endpoint group
  endpoint group create  Create new endpoint group
  endpoint group delete  Delete endpoint group(s)
  endpoint group list  List endpoint groups
  endpoint group remove project  Remove project from endpoint group
  endpoint group set  Set endpoint group properties
  endpoint group show  Display endpoint group details
  endpoint list  List endpoints
  endpoint remove project  Dissociate a project from an endpoint
  endpoint set  Set endpoint properties
  endpoint show  Display endpoint details
  extension list  List API extensions
  extension show  Show API extension
  federation domain list  List accessible domains
  federation project list  List accessible projects
  federation protocol create  Create new federation protocol
  federation protocol delete  Delete federation protocol(s)
  federation protocol list  List federation protocols
  federation protocol set  Set federation protocol properties
  federation protocol show  Display federation protocol details
  flavor create  Create new flavor
  flavor delete  Delete flavor(s)
  flavor list  List flavors
  flavor set  Set flavor properties
  flavor show  Display flavor details
  flavor unset  Unset flavor properties
  floating ip create  Create floating IP
  floating ip delete  Delete floating IP(s)
  floating ip list  List floating IP(s)
  floating ip pool list  List pools of floating IP addresses
  floating ip port forwarding create  Create floating IP port forwarding
  floating ip port forwarding delete  Delete floating IP port forwarding
  floating ip port forwarding list  List floating IP port forwarding
  floating ip port forwarding set  Set floating IP Port Forwarding Properties
  floating ip port forwarding show  Display floating IP Port Forwarding details
  floating ip set  Set floating IP Properties
  floating ip show  Display floating IP details
  floating ip unset  Unset floating IP Properties
  group add user  Add user to group
  group contains user  Check user membership in group
  group create  Create new group
  group delete  Delete group(s)
  group list  List groups
  group remove user  Remove user from group
  group set  Set group properties
  group show  Display group details
  help  print detailed help for another command (cliff)
  host list  List hosts
  host set  Set host properties
  host show  Display host details
  hypervisor list  List hypervisors
  hypervisor show  Display hypervisor details
  hypervisor stats show  Display hypervisor stats details
  identity provider create  Create new identity provider
  identity provider delete  Delete identity provider(s)
  identity provider list  List identity providers
  identity provider set  Set identity provider properties
  identity provider show  Display identity provider details
  image add project  Associate project with image
  image create  Create/upload an image
  image delete  Delete image(s)
  image list  List available images
  image member list  List projects associated with image
  image remove project  Disassociate project with image
  image save  Save an image locally
  image set  Set image properties
  image show  Display image details
  image unset  Unset image tags and properties
  implied role create  Creates an association between prior and implied roles
  implied role delete  Deletes an association between prior and implied roles
  implied role list  List implied roles
  ip availability list  List IP availability for network
  ip availability show  Show network IP availability details
  keypair create  Create new public or private key for server ssh access
  keypair delete  Delete public or private key(s)
  keypair list  List key fingerprints
  keypair show  Display key details
  limit create  Create a limit
  limit delete  Delete a limit
  limit list  List limits
  limit set  Update information about a limit
  limit show  Display limit details
  limits show  Show compute and block storage limits
  local ip association create  Create Local IP Association
  local ip association delete  Delete Local IP association(s)
  local ip association list  List Local IP Associations
  local ip create  Create Local IP
  local ip delete  Delete local IP(s)
  local ip list  List local IPs
  local ip set  Set local ip properties
  local ip show  Display local IP details
  mapping create  Create new mapping
  mapping delete  Delete mapping(s)
  mapping list  List mappings
  mapping set  Set mapping properties
  mapping show  Display mapping details
  module list  List module versions
  network agent add network  Add network to an agent
  network agent add router  Add router to an agent
  network agent delete  Delete network agent(s)
  network agent list  List network agents
  network agent remove network  Remove network from an agent.
  network agent remove router  Remove router from an agent
  network agent set  Set network agent properties
  network agent show  Display network agent details
  network auto allocated topology create  Create the  auto allocated topology for project
  network auto allocated topology delete  Delete auto allocated topology for project
  network create  Create new network
  network delete  Delete network(s)
  network flavor add profile  Add a service profile to a network flavor
  network flavor create  Create new network flavor
  network flavor delete  Delete network flavors
  network flavor list  List network flavors
  network flavor profile create  Create new network flavor profile
  network flavor profile delete  Delete network flavor profile
  network flavor profile list  List network flavor profile(s)
  network flavor profile set  Set network flavor profile properties
  network flavor profile show  Display network flavor profile details
  network flavor remove profile  Remove service profile from network flavor
  network flavor set  Set network flavor properties
  network flavor show  Display network flavor details
  network l3 conntrack helper create  Create a new L3 conntrack helper
  network l3 conntrack helper delete  Delete L3 conntrack helper
  network l3 conntrack helper list  List L3 conntrack helpers
  network l3 conntrack helper set  Set L3 conntrack helper properties
  network l3 conntrack helper show  Display L3 conntrack helper details
  network list  List networks
  network meter create  Create network meter
  network meter delete  Delete network meter
  network meter list  List network meters
  network meter rule create  Create a new meter rule
  network meter rule delete  Delete meter rule(s)
  network meter rule list  List meter rules
  network meter rule show  Display meter rules details
  network meter show  Show network meter
  network qos policy create  Create a QoS policy
  network qos policy delete  Delete Qos Policy(s)
  network qos policy list  List QoS policies
  network qos policy set  Set QoS policy properties
  network qos policy show  Display QoS policy details
  network qos rule create  Create new Network QoS rule
  network qos rule delete  Delete Network QoS rule
  network qos rule list  List Network QoS rules
  network qos rule set  Set Network QoS rule properties
  network qos rule show  Display Network QoS rule details
  network qos rule type list  List QoS rule types
  network qos rule type show  Show details about supported QoS rule type
  network rbac create  Create network RBAC policy
  network rbac delete  Delete network RBAC policy(s)
  network rbac list  List network RBAC policies
  network rbac set  Set network RBAC policy properties
  network rbac show  Display network RBAC policy details
  network segment create  Create new network segment
  network segment delete  Delete network segment(s)
  network segment list  List network segments
  network segment range create  Create new network segment range
  network segment range delete  Delete network segment range(s)
  network segment range list  List network segment ranges
  network segment range set  Set network segment range properties
  network segment range show  Display network segment range details
  network segment set  Set network segment properties
  network segment show  Display network segment details
  network service provider list  List Service Providers
  network set  Set network properties
  network show  Show network details
  network unset  Unset network properties
  object create  Upload object to container
  object delete  Delete object from container
  object list  List objects
  object save  Save object locally
  object set  Set object properties
  object show  Display object details
  object store account set  Set account properties
  object store account show  Display account details
  object store account unset  Unset account properties
  object unset  Unset object properties
  policy create  Create new policy
  policy delete  Delete policy(s)
  policy list  List policies
  policy set  Set policy properties
  policy show  Display policy details
  port create  Create a new port
  port delete  Delete port(s)
  port list  List ports
  port set  Set port properties
  port show  Display port details
  port unset  Unset port properties
  project cleanup  Clean resources associated with a project
  project create  Create new project
  project delete  Delete project(s)
  project list  List projects
  project purge  Clean resources associated with a project
  project set  Set project properties
  project show  Display project details
  quota list  List quotas for all projects with non-default quota values or list detailed quota informations for requested project
  quota set  Set quotas for project or class
  quota show  Show quotas for project or class. Specify ``--os-compute-api-version 2.50`` or higher to see ``server-groups`` and ``server-group-members`` output for a given quota class.
  region create  Create new region
  region delete  Delete region(s)
  region list  List regions
  region set  Set region properties
  region show  Display region details
  registered limit create  Create a registered limit
  registered limit delete  Delete a registered limit
  registered limit list  List registered limits
  registered limit set  Update information about a registered limit
  registered limit show  Display registered limit details
  request token authorize  Authorize a request token
  request token create  Create a request token
  role add  Adds a role assignment to a user or group on the system, a domain, or a project
  role assignment list  List role assignments
  role create  Create new role
  role delete  Delete role(s)
  role list  List roles
  role remove  Removes a role assignment from system/domain/project : user/group
  role set  Set role properties
  role show  Display role details
  router add port  Add a port to a router
  router add route  Add extra static routes to a router's routing table.
  router add subnet  Add a subnet to a router
  router create  Create a new router
  router delete  Delete router(s)
  router list  List routers
  router remove port  Remove a port from a router
  router remove route  Remove extra static routes from a router's routing table.
  router remove subnet  Remove a subnet from a router
  router set  Set router properties
  router show  Display router details
  router unset  Unset router properties
  security group create  Create a new security group
  security group delete  Delete security group(s)
  security group list  List security groups
  security group rule create  Create a new security group rule
  security group rule delete  Delete security group rule(s)
  security group rule list  List security group rules
  security group rule show  Display security group rule details
  security group set  Set security group properties
  security group show  Display security group details
  security group unset  Unset security group properties
  server add fixed ip  Add fixed IP address to server
  server add floating ip  Add floating IP address to server
  server add network  Add network to server
  server add port  Add port to server
  server add security group  Add security group to server
  server add volume  Add volume to server. Specify ``--os-compute-api-version 2.20`` or higher to add a volume to a server with status ``SHELVED`` or ``SHELVED_OFFLOADED``.
  server backup create  Create a server backup image
  server create  Create a new server
  server delete  Delete server(s)
  server dump create  Create a dump file in server(s)
  server evacuate  Evacuate a server to a different host.
  server event list  List recent events of a server.
  server event show  Show server event details.
  server group create  Create a new server group.
  server group delete  Delete existing server group(s).
  server group list  List all server groups.
  server group show  Display server group details.
  server image create  Create a new server disk image from an existing server
  server list  List servers
  server lock  Lock server(s). A non-admin user will not be able to execute actions
  server migrate  Migrate server to different host.
  server migrate confirm  DEPRECATED: Confirm server migration.
  server migrate revert  Revert server migration.
  server migration abort  Cancel an ongoing live migration.
  server migration confirm  Confirm server migration.
  server migration force complete  Force an ongoing live migration to complete.
  server migration list  List server migrations
  server migration revert  Revert server migration.
  server migration show  Show a migration for a given server.
  server pause  Pause server(s)
  server reboot  Perform a hard or soft server reboot
  server rebuild  Rebuild server
  server remove fixed ip  Remove fixed IP address from server
  server remove floating ip  Remove floating IP address from server
  server remove network  Remove all ports of a network from server
  server remove port  Remove port from server
  server remove security group  Remove security group from server
  server remove volume  Remove volume from server. Specify ``--os-compute-api-version 2.20`` or higher to remove a volume from a server with status ``SHELVED`` or ``SHELVED_OFFLOADED``.
  server rescue  Put server in rescue mode
  server resize  Scale server to a new flavor.
  server resize confirm  Confirm server resize.
  server resize revert  Revert server resize.
  server restore  Restore server(s)
  server resume  Resume server(s)
  server set  Set server properties
  server shelve  Shelve and optionally offload server(s).
  server show  Show server details. Specify ``--os-compute-api-version 2.47`` or higher to see the embedded flavor information for the server.
  server ssh  SSH to server
  server start  Start server(s).
  server stop  Stop server(s).
  server suspend  Suspend server(s)
  server unlock  Unlock server(s)
  server unpause  Unpause server(s)
  server unrescue  Restore server from rescue mode
  server unset  Unset server properties and tags
  server unshelve  Unshelve server(s)
  server volume list  List all the volumes attached to a server.
  server volume update  Update a volume attachment on the server.
  service create  Create new service
  service delete  Delete service(s)
  service list  List services
  service provider create  Create new service provider
  service provider delete  Delete service provider(s)
  service provider list  List service providers
  service provider set  Set service provider properties
  service provider show  Display service provider details
  service set  Set service properties
  service show  Display service details
  subnet create  Create a subnet
  subnet delete  Delete subnet(s)
  subnet list  List subnets
  subnet pool create  Create subnet pool
  subnet pool delete  Delete subnet pool(s)
  subnet pool list  List subnet pools
  subnet pool set  Set subnet pool properties
  subnet pool show  Display subnet pool details
  subnet pool unset  Unset subnet pool properties
  subnet set  Set subnet properties
  subnet show  Display subnet details
  subnet unset  Unset subnet properties
  token issue  Issue new token
  token revoke  Revoke existing token
  trust create  Create new trust
  trust delete  Delete trust(s)
  trust list  List trusts
  trust show  Display trust details
  usage list  List resource usage per project
  usage show  Show resource usage for a single project
  user create  Create new user
  user delete  Delete user(s)
  user list  List users
  user password set  Change current user password
  user set  Set user properties
  user show  Display user details
  versions show  Show available versions of services
  volume attachment complete  Complete an attachment for a volume.
  volume attachment create  Create an attachment for a volume.
  volume attachment delete  Delete an attachment for a volume.
  volume attachment list  Lists all volume attachments.
  volume attachment set  Update an attachment for a volume.
  volume attachment show  Show detailed information for a volume attachment.
  volume backup create  Create new volume backup
  volume backup delete  Delete volume backup(s)
  volume backup list  List volume backups
  volume backup record export  Export volume backup details. Backup information can be imported into a new service instance to be able to restore.
  volume backup record import  Import volume backup details. Exported backup details contain the metadata necessary to restore to a new or rebuilt service instance
  volume backup restore  Restore volume backup
  volume backup set  Set volume backup properties
  volume backup show  Display volume backup details
  volume backup unset  Unset volume backup properties.
  volume create  Create new volume
  volume delete  Delete volume(s)
  volume group create  Create a volume group.
  volume group delete  Delete a volume group.
  volume group failover  Failover replication for a volume group.
  volume group list  Lists all volume groups.
  volume group set  Update a volume group.
  volume group show  Show detailed information for a volume group.
  volume group snapshot create  Create a volume group snapshot.
  volume group snapshot delete  Delete a volume group snapshot.
  volume group snapshot list  Lists all volume group snapshot.
  volume group snapshot show  Show detailed information for a volume group snapshot.
  volume group type create  Create a volume group type.
  volume group type delete  Delete a volume group type.
  volume group type list  Lists all volume group types.
  volume group type set  Update a volume group type.
  volume group type show  Show detailed information for a volume group type.
  volume host set  Set volume host properties
  volume list  List volumes
  volume message delete  Delete a volume failure message
  volume message list  List volume failure messages
  volume message show  Show a volume failure message
  volume migrate  Migrate volume to a new host
  volume qos associate  Associate a QoS specification to a volume type
  volume qos create  Create new QoS specification
  volume qos delete  Delete QoS specification
  volume qos disassociate  Disassociate a QoS specification from a volume type
  volume qos list  List QoS specifications
  volume qos set  Set QoS specification properties
  volume qos show  Display QoS specification details
  volume qos unset  Unset QoS specification properties
  volume service list  List service command
  volume service set  Set volume service properties
  volume set  Set volume properties
  volume show  Display volume details
  volume snapshot create  Create new volume snapshot
  volume snapshot delete  Delete volume snapshot(s)
  volume snapshot list  List volume snapshots
  volume snapshot set  Set volume snapshot properties
  volume snapshot show  Display volume snapshot details
  volume snapshot unset  Unset volume snapshot properties
  volume transfer request accept  Accept volume transfer request.
  volume transfer request create  Create volume transfer request.
  volume transfer request delete  Delete volume transfer request(s).
  volume transfer request list  Lists all volume transfer requests.
  volume transfer request show  Show volume transfer request details.
  volume type create  Create new volume type
  volume type delete  Delete volume type(s)
  volume type list  List volume types
  volume type set  Set volume type properties
  volume type show  Display volume type details
  volume type unset  Unset volume type properties
  volume unset  Unset volume properties

See also
