istioctl manifest --help

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istioctl manifest --help
The manifest command generates and diffs Istio manifests.

  istioctl manifest [command]

Available Commands:
  diff        Compare manifests and generate diff
  generate    Generates an Istio install manifest
  install     Applies an Istio manifest, installing or reconfiguring Istio on a cluster.

      --dry-run   Console/log output only, make no changes.
  -h, --help      help for manifest

Global Flags:
      --context string      The name of the kubeconfig context to use
  -c, --kubeconfig string   Kubernetes configuration file
      --vklog Level         number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: --vklog=9

Use "istioctl manifest [command] --help" for more information about a command.

See also
