Error: Invalid value for module argument

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│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable "lb_listener" defined at .../,1-23: element 0: attribute
│ "default_action": element 0: attribute "redirect" is required.

Solution: Review options: aws lb listener: default action

list of object required.

│ Error: Invalid value for module argument
│   on line 23, in module "alb":
│   23:   lb_listener = var.lb_listener
│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable "lb_listener" defined at ../xxxxx/,1-23: list of object required.

String required

│ Error: Invalid value for module argument
│   on line 29, in module "your_module_s3":
│   29:   s3_bucket_name = ["${var.codepipeline_bucket_name}"]
│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable "s3_bucket_name" defined at
│ .terraform/modules/,1-26: string required.
│ Error: Invalid value for module argument
│   on line 45, in module "security_group":
│   45:   ingress_with_cidr_blocks = [
│   46:     {
│   47:       from_port   = 5432
│   48:       to_port     = 5432
│   49:       protocol    = "tcp"
│   50:       description = "PostgreSQL access from within VPC"
│   51:       #cidr_blocks = module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block
│   52:       cidr_blocks = [""]
│   53:     },
│   54:   ]
│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable "ingress_with_cidr_blocks" defined at
│ .terraform/modules/security_group/,1-36: element 0: element "cidr_blocks": string required.
 Solution: change cidr_blocks = [""] for cidr_blocks = ""

list of string required

│ Error: Invalid value for module argument
│   on line 8, in module "yourModuleName":
│    8:   subnet_ids = var.subnet_id
│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable "subnet_ids" defined at
│ ../path/to/your/ :79,1-22: list of string required.
Solution: if your element if from type list make user provide values using proper format: [value1, value2]

See also
