doctl --help

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doctl --help
doctl is a command line interface (CLI) for the DigitalOcean API.

  doctl [command] 

Available Commands:
  1-click         Display commands that pertain to 1-click applications
  account         Display commands that retrieve account details
  apps            Display commands for working with apps
  auth            Display commands for authenticating doctl with an account
  balance         Display commands for retrieving your account balance
  billing-history Display commands for retrieving your billing history
  completion      Modify your shell so doctl commands autocomplete with TAB
  compute         Display commands that manage infrastructure
  databases       Display commands that manage databases
  help            Help about any command
  invoice         Display commands for retrieving invoices for your account
  kubernetes      Displays commands to manage Kubernetes clusters and configurations
  monitoring      [Beta] Display commands to manage monitoring
  projects        Manage projects and assign resources to them
  registry        Display commands for working with container registries
  version         Show the current version
  vpcs            Display commands that manage VPCs

  -t, --access-token string   API V2 access token
  -u, --api-url string        Override default API endpoint
  -c, --config string         Specify a custom config file (default "/root/.config/doctl/config.yaml")
      --context string        Specify a custom authentication context name
  -h, --help                  help for doctl
  -o, --output string         Desired output format [text|json] (default "text")
      --trace                 Show a log of network activity while performing a command

DigitalOcean, DigitalOcean Spaces, do-agent, doctl, doctl bh list, doctl compute, doctl --help, DigitalOcean Uptime, .digitalocean_passwords
