celery --help

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celery --help
Usage: celery [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
 Celery command entrypoint.
 -b, --broker TEXT
 --result-backend TEXT
 --loader TEXT
 --config TEXT
 --workdir PATH
 -C, --no-color
 -q, --quiet
 --help                 Show this message and exit.
 amqp     AMQP Administration Shell.
 beat     Start the beat periodic task scheduler.
 call     Call a task by name.
 control  Workers remote control.
 events   Event-stream utilities.
 graph    The ``celery graph`` command.
 inspect  Inspect the worker at runtime.
 list    Get info from broker.
 logtool  The ``celery logtool`` command.
 migrate  Migrate tasks from one broker to another.
 multi    Start multiple worker instances.
 purge    Erase all messages from all known task queues.
 report   Shows information useful to include in bug-reports.
 result   Print the return value for a given task id.
 shell    Start shell session with convenient access to celery symbols.
 status   Show list of workers that are online.
 upgrade  Perform upgrade between versions.
 worker   Start worker instance.

celery --version

See also
