bundle --help

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bundle --help
Bundler commands:
  bundle add GEM VERSION         # Add gem to Gemfile and run bundle install
  bundle binstubs GEM [OPTIONS]  # Install the binstubs of the listed gem
  bundle check [OPTIONS]         # Checks if the dependencies listed in Gemfile are satisfied by currently installed gems
  bundle config NAME [VALUE]     # Retrieve or set a configuration value
  bundle console [GROUP]         # Opens an IRB session with the bundle pre-loaded
  bundle doctor [OPTIONS]        # Checks the bundle for common problems
  bundle env                     # Print information about the environment Bundler is running under
  bundle exec [OPTIONS]          # Run the command in context of the bundle
  bundle gem NAME [OPTIONS]      # Creates a skeleton for creating a rubygem
  bundle help [COMMAND]          # Describe available commands or one specific command
  bundle info GEM [OPTIONS]      # Show information for the given gem
  bundle init [OPTIONS]          # Generates a Gemfile into the current working directory
  bundle install [OPTIONS]       # Install the current environment to the system
  bundle issue                   # Learn how to report an issue in Bundler
  bundle licenses                # Prints the license of all gems in the bundle
  bundle lock                    # Creates a lockfile without installing
  bundle open GEM                # Opens the source directory of the given bundled gem
  bundle outdated GEM [OPTIONS]  # List installed gems with newer versions available
  bundle package [OPTIONS]       # Locks and then caches all of the gems into vendor/cache
  bundle platform [OPTIONS]      # Displays platform compatibility information
  bundle plugin                  # Manage the bundler plugins
  bundle plugin help [COMMAND]   # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  bundle plugin install PLUGINS  # Install the plugin from the source
  bundle pristine [GEMS...]      # Restores installed gems to pristine condition
  bundle remove [GEM [GEM ...]]  # Removes gems from the Gemfile
  bundle show GEM [OPTIONS]      # Shows all gems that are part of the bundle, or the path to a given gem
  bundle update [OPTIONS]        # Update the current environment
  bundle version                 # Prints the bundler's version information

      [--no-color]                 # Disable colorization in output
  -r, [--retry=NUM]                # Specify the number of times you wish to attempt network commands
  -V, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]  # Enable verbose output mode

See also
