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bacula-fd: illegal option -- -
Copyright (C) 2000-2021 Kern Sibbald. 

Version: 11.0.6 (10 March 2022) 

Usage: bacula-fd [-f -s] [-c config_file] [-d debug_level]
    -c <file>        use <file> as configuration file
    -d <n>[,<tags>]  set debug level to <nn>, debug tags to <tags>
    -dt              print a timestamp in debug output
    -f               run in foreground (for debugging)
    -g               groupid
    -k               keep readall capabilities
    -m               print kaboom output (for debugging)
    -P               do not create pid file
    -s               no signals (for debugging)
    -t               test configuration file and exit
    -T               set trace on
    -u               userid
    -v               verbose user messages
    -?               print this message.

See also
