ansible-inventory --help

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ansible-inventory --help
usage: ansible-inventory [-h] [--version] [-v] [-i INVENTORY] [--vault-id VAULT_IDS] [--ask-vault-password | --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES] [--playbook-dir BASEDIR] [-e EXTRA_VARS] [--list]
                         [--host HOST] [--graph] [-y] [--toml] [--vars] [--export] [--output OUTPUT_FILE]

positional arguments:

  --ask-vault-password, --ask-vault-pass
                        ask for vault password
  --export              When doing an --list, represent in a way that is optimized for export,not as an accurate representation of how Ansible has processed it
  --output OUTPUT_FILE  When doing --list, send the inventory to a file instead of to the screen
  --playbook-dir BASEDIR
                        Since this tool does not use playbooks, use this as a substitute playbook directory. This sets the relative path for many features including roles/ group_vars/ etc.
  --toml                Use TOML format instead of default JSON, ignored for --graph
  --vars                Add vars to graph display, ignored unless used with --graph
  --vault-id VAULT_IDS  the vault identity to use
  --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES, --vault-pass-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES
                        vault password file
  --version             show program's version number, config file location, configured module search path, module location, executable location and exit
  -e EXTRA_VARS, --extra-vars EXTRA_VARS
                        set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename prepend with @
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INVENTORY, --inventory INVENTORY, --inventory-file INVENTORY
                        specify inventory host path or comma separated host list. --inventory-file is deprecated
  -v, --verbose         Causes Ansible to print more debug messages. Adding multiple -v will increase the verbosity, the builtin plugins currently evaluate up to -vvvvvv. A reasonable level to start is -vvv,
                        connection debugging might require -vvvv.
  -y, --yaml            Use YAML format instead of default JSON, ignored for --graph

  One of following must be used on invocation, ONLY ONE!

  --graph               create inventory graph, if supplying pattern it must be a valid group name
  --host HOST           Output specific host info, works as inventory script
  --list                Output all hosts info, works as inventory script

Show Ansible inventory information, by default it uses the inventory script JSON format

See also
