ykman --help

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Usage: ykman [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Configure your YubiKey via the command line.


    List connected YubiKeys, only output serial number:
    $ ykman list --serials

    Show information about YubiKey with serial number 0123456:
    $ ykman --device 0123456 info

  -d, --device SERIAL             specify which YubiKey to interact with by
                                  serial number
  -r, --reader NAME               specify a YubiKey by smart card reader name
                                  (can't be used with --device or list)
                                  enable logging at given verbosity level
  --log-file FILE                 write log to FILE instead of printing to
                                  stderr (requires --log-level)
  --diagnose                      show diagnostics information useful for
  -v, --version                   show version information about the app
  --full-help                     show --help output, including hidden
  -h, --help                      show this message and exit

  info     show general information
  list     list connected YubiKeys
  script   run a python script
  config   enable or disable applications
  fido     manage the FIDO applications
  oath     manage the OATH application
  openpgp  manage the OpenPGP application
  otp      manage the YubiOTP application
  piv      manage the PIV application

ykman [ oath | info ]
