helmfile --help

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helmfile --help
Declaratively deploy your Kubernetes manifests, Kustomize configs, and Charts as Helm releases in one shot

  helmfile [command]

Available Commands:
  apply        Apply all resources from state file only when there are changes
  build        Build all resources from state file
  cache        Cache management
  charts       DEPRECATED: sync releases from state file (helm upgrade --install)
  completion   Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  delete       DEPRECATED: delete releases from state file (helm delete)
  deps         Update charts based on their requirements
  destroy      Destroys and then purges releases
  diff         Diff releases defined in state file
  fetch        Fetch charts from state file
  help         Help about any command
  init         Initialize the helmfile, includes version checking and installation of helm and plug-ins
  lint         Lint charts from state file (helm lint)
  list         List releases defined in state file
  repos        Repos releases defined in state file
  status       Retrieve status of releases in state file
  sync         Sync releases defined in state file
  template     Template releases defined in state file
  test         Test charts from state file (helm test)
  version      Print the CLI version
  write-values Write values files for releases. Similar to `helmfile template`, write values files instead of manifests.

      --allow-no-matching-release       Do not exit with an error code if the provided selector has no matching releases.
  -c, --chart string                    Set chart. Uses the chart set in release by default, and is available in template as Template:.Chart
      --color                           Output with color
      --debug                           Enable verbose output for Helm and set log-level to debug, this disables --quiet/-q effect
      --enable-live-output              Show live output from the Helm binary Stdout/Stderr into Helmfile own Stdout/Stderr.
                                        It only applies for the Helm CLI commands, Stdout/Stderr for Hooks are still displayed only when it's execution finishes.
  -e, --environment string              specify the environment name. defaults to "default"
  -f, --file helmfile.yaml              load config from file or directory. defaults to helmfile.yaml or `helmfile.d`(means `helmfile.d/*.yaml`) in this preference
  -b, --helm-binary string              Path to the helm binary (default "helm")
  -h, --help                            help for helmfile
  -i, --interactive                     Request confirmation before attempting to modify clusters
      --kube-context string             Set kubectl context. Uses current context by default
      --log-level string                Set log level, default info (default "info")
  -n, --namespace string                Set namespace. Uses the namespace set in the context by default, and is available in templates as Template:.Namespace
      --no-color                        Output without color
  -q, --quiet                           Silence output. Equivalent to log-level warn
  -l, --selector stringArray            Only run using the releases that match labels. Labels can take the form of foo=bar or foo!=bar. 
                                        A release must match all labels in a group in order to be used. Multiple groups can be specified at once.
                                        "--selector tier=frontend,tier!=proxy --selector tier=backend" will match all frontend, non-proxy releases AND all backend releases.
                                        The name of a release can be used as a label: "--selector name=myrelease"
      --state-values-file stringArray   specify state values in a YAML file
      --state-values-set stringArray    set state values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
  -v, --version                         version for helmfile

Use "helmfile [command] --help" for more information about a command.

See also[edit]
