oci --help

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Usage: oci [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line interface, with support for
  Audit, Block Volume, Compute, Database, IAM, Load Balancing, Networking,
  DNS, File Storage, Email Delivery and Object Storage Services.

  Most commands must specify a service, followed by a resource type and then
  an action. For example, to list users (where $T contains the OCID of the
  current tenant):

    oci iam user list --compartment-id $T

  Output is in JSON format.

  For information on configuration, see

  -v, --version                   Show the version and exit.
  --release-info                  Prints ChangeLog difference between current
                                  installed version and latest released
                                  version. Please visit https://raw.githubuser
                                  cli/master/CHANGELOG.rst for more info

  --latest-version                Prints latest released version.
  --config-file TEXT              The path to the config file.  [default:

  --profile TEXT                  The profile in the config file to load. This
                                  profile will also be used to locate any
                                  default parameter values which have been
                                  specified in the OCI CLI-specific
                                  configuration file.  [default: DEFAULT]

  --cli-rc-file, --defaults-file TEXT
                                  The path to the OCI CLI-specific
                                  configuration file, containing parameter
                                  default values and other configuration
                                  information such as command aliases and
                                  predefined queries. The --defaults-file
                                  option is deprecated and you should use the
                                  --cli-rc-file option instead.  [default:

  --opc-request-id, --opc-client-request-id, --request-id TEXT
                                  The request id to use for tracking the

  --region TEXT                   The region to make calls against.  For a
                                  list of valid region names use the command:
                                  "oci iam region list".

  --endpoint TEXT                 The value to use as the service endpoint,
                                  including any required API version path. For
                                  example: "https://iaas.us-
                                  phoenix-1.oracle.com/20160918". This will
                                  override the default service endpoint / API
                                  version path. Note: The --region parameter
                                  is the recommended way of targeting
                                  different regions.

  --cert-bundle TEXT              The full path to a CA certificate bundle to
                                  be used for SSL verification. This will
                                  override the default CA certificate bundle.

  --output [json|table]           The output format. [Default is json]
  --query TEXT                    JMESPath query [1] to run
                                  on the response JSON before output.
                                  Queries can be entered directly on the
                                  command line or referenced from the
                                  [OCI_CLI_COMMAND_ALIASES] section of your
                                  configuration file by using the syntax
                                  query://<query_name>, for example

  --raw-output                    If the output of a given query is a single
                                  string value, this will return the string
                                  without surrounding quotes

  --auth [api_key|instance_principal|security_token|instance_obo_user|resource_principal]
                                  The type of auth to use for the API request.
                                  By default the API key in your config file
                                  will be used.  This value can also be
                                  provided in the OCI_CLI_AUTH environment

  --auth-purpose TEXT             The The auth purpose which can be used in
                                  conjunction with --auth.

                                  Prints out a JSON document which represents
                                  all possible options that can be provided to
                                  this command.
                                  This JSON document can be saved to a file,
                                  modified with the appropriate option values,
                                  and then passed back via the --from-json
                                  option. This provides an alternative to
                                  typing options out on the command line.

  --generate-param-json-input TEXT
                                  Complex input, such as arrays and objects,
                                  are passed in JSON format.
                                  When passed the name of an option which
                                  takes complex input, this will print out
                                  example JSON of what needs to be passed to
                                  that option.

  --no-retry                      Disable retry logic for calls to services.
  --max-retries INTEGER           Maximum number of retry calls to be made to
                                  the service. For most commands, 5 attempts
                                  will be made. For operations with binary
                                  bodies, retries are disabled

  -d, --debug                     Show additional debug information.
  -i, --cli-auto-prompt           Use the CLI in interactive mode.
  -?, -h, --help                  For detailed help on the individual OCI CLI
                                  command, enter <command> --help.


  iam                             Identity and Access Management Service
  raw-request                     Makes a raw request against an OCI service
  session                         Session commands for CLI
  setup                           Setup commands for CLI
  adm                             Application Dependency Management
  ai                              Language
  ai-vision                       Vision
  analytics                       Analytics
  announce                        Announcements Service
  anomaly-detection               Oracle Cloud AI Services
  api-gateway                     API Gateway
  apm-config                      Application Performance Monitoring

  apm-control-plane               Application Performance Monitoring Control

  apm-synthetics                  Application Performance Monitoring Synthetic

  apm-traces                      Application Performance Monitoring Trace

  application-migration           Application Migration
  appmgmt-control                 Resource Discovery and Monitoring Control
  artifacts                       Artifacts and Container Images
  audit                           Audit
  autoscaling                     Autoscaling
  bastion                         Bastion
  bds                             Big Data Service
  blockchain                      Blockchain Platform Control Plane
  budgets                         Budgets
  bv                              Block Volume Service
  ce                              Container Engine for Kubernetes
  certificates                    Certificates Service Retrieval
  certs-mgmt                      Certificates Service Management
  cloud-guard                     Cloud Guard and Security Zones
  compute                         Compute Service
  compute-management              Compute Management Service
  dashboard-service               Dashboards
  data-catalog                    Data Catalog
  data-connectivity               Data Connectivity Management
  data-flow                       Data Flow
  data-integration                Data Integration
  data-labeling-service           Data Labeling Management
                                  Data Labeling
  data-safe                       Data Safe
  data-science                    Data Science
  database-management             Database Management
  database-migration              Oracle Database Migration Service
  db                              Database Service
  dbtools                         Database Tools
  devops                          DevOps
  dns                             DNS
  dts                             Data Transfer Service
  em-warehouse                    EmdwControlPlane
  email                           Email Delivery
  events                          Events
  fn                              Functions Service
  fs                              File Storage
  goldengate                      GoldenGate
  governance-rules-control-plane  GovernanceRulesControlPlane
  health-checks                   Health Checks
  iam                             Identity and Access Management Service
  instance-agent                  Compute Instance Agent Service
  integration                     Oracle Integration
  jms                             Java Management Service
  kms                             Key Management
  lb                              Load Balancing
  license-manager                 License Manager
  limits                          Service Limits
  log-analytics                   LogAnalytics
  logging                         Logging Management
  logging-ingestion               Logging Ingestion
  logging-search                  Logging Search
  management-agent                Management Agent
  management-dashboard            ManagementDashboard
  marketplace                     Marketplace Service
  monitoring                      Monitoring
  mysql                           MySQL Database Service
  network                         Networking Service
  network-firewall                Network Firewall
  nlb                             NetworkLoadBalancer
  nosql                           NoSQL Database
  oce                             Oracle Content and Experience
  ocvs                            Oracle Cloud VMware Solution
  oda                             Digital Assistant Service Instance
  onesubscription                 OneSubscription
  ons                             Notifications
  opctl                           OperatorAccessControl
  opsi                            Operations Insights
  optimizer                       Cloud Advisor
  organizations                   Organizations
  os                              Object Storage Service
  os-management                   OS Management
  osp-gateway                     OSP Gateway
  osub-billing-schedule           OneSubscription  Billing Schedule
  osub-organization-subscription  OneSubscription Gateway  Organization's

  osub-subscription               OneSubscription  Subscription, Commitment
                                  and and Rate Card Details

  osub-usage                      OneSubscription  Usage Computation
  resource-manager                Resource Manager
  rover                           RoverCloudService
  sch                             Service Connector Hub
  search                          Search Service
  secrets                         Vault Secret Retrieval
  service-catalog                 Service Catalog
  service-manager-proxy           Service Manager Proxy
  service-mesh                    Service Mesh
  speech                          Speech
  stack-monitoring                Stack Monitoring
  streaming                       Streaming
  support                         Support Management
  threat-intelligence             Threat Intelligence
  usage                           Usage Proxy
  usage-api                       Usage
  vault                           Vault Secret Management
  visual-builder                  Visual Builder
  vn-monitoring                   Network Monitoring
  vulnerability-scanning          Scanning
  waa                             Web Application Acceleration (WAA)
  waas                            Web Application Acceleration and Security

  waf                             Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  work-requests                   Work Requests

See also
