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  vagrant up --provider=libvirt
  vagrant up --provider=libvirt
vagrant up --provider=libvirt
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider...
There was error while creating libvirt storage pool: Call to virStoragePoolDefineXML failed: operation failed: Storage source conflict with [[pool]]: 'images'

Revision as of 07:46, 11 April 2021

vagrant up --provider=libvirt

vagrant up --provider=libvirt
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider...
There was error while creating libvirt storage pool: Call to virStoragePoolDefineXML failed: operation failed: Storage source conflict with pool: 'images'
vagrant up --provider=libvirt
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider...
==> default: Box 'fedora/32-cloud-base' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
    default: Box Provider: libvirt
    default: Box Version: >= 0
==> default: Loading metadata for box 'fedora/32-cloud-base'
    default: URL: https://vagrantcloud.com/fedora/32-cloud-base
==> default: Adding box 'fedora/32-cloud-base' (v32.20200422.0) for provider: libvirt
    default: Downloading: https://vagrantcloud.com/fedora/boxes/32-cloud-base/versions/32.20200422.0/providers/libvirt.box
Download redirected to host: download.fedoraproject.org
    default: Calculating and comparing box checksum...
==> default: Successfully added box 'fedora/32-cloud-base' (v32.20200422.0) for 'libvirt'!
==> default: Uploading base box image as volume into Libvirt storage...
==> default: Creating image (snapshot of base box volume).
==> default: Creating domain with the following settings...
==> default:  -- Name:              root_default
==> default:  -- Domain type:       kvm
==> default:  -- Cpus:              1
==> default:  -- Feature:           acpi
==> default:  -- Feature:           apic
==> default:  -- Feature:           pae
==> default:  -- Memory:            512M
==> default:  -- Management MAC:
==> default:  -- Loader:
==> default:  -- Nvram:
==> default:  -- Base box:          fedora/32-cloud-base
==> default:  -- Storage pool:      default
==> default:  -- Image:             /var/lib/libvirt/images/root_default.img (41G)
==> default:  -- Volume Cache:      default
==> default:  -- Kernel:
==> default:  -- Initrd:
==> default:  -- Graphics Type:     vnc
==> default:  -- Graphics Port:     -1
==> default:  -- Graphics IP:
==> default:  -- Graphics Password: Not defined
==> default:  -- Video Type:        cirrus
==> default:  -- Video VRAM:        9216
==> default:  -- Sound Type:
==> default:  -- Keymap:            en-us
==> default:  -- TPM Path:
==> default:  -- INPUT:             type=mouse, bus=ps2
Error while creating domain: Error saving the server: Call to virDomainDefineXML failed: invalid argument: could not get preferred machine for /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 type=kvm

 vagrant up --provider=libvirt
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider...
==> default: Box 'bento/fedora-32' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
    default: Box Provider: libvirt
    default: Box Version: >= 0
==> default: Loading metadata for box 'bento/fedora-32'
    default: URL: https://vagrantcloud.com/bento/fedora-32
The box you're attempting to add doesn't support the provider
you requested. Please find an alternate box or use an alternate
provider. Double-check your requested provider to verify you didn't
simply misspell it.

If you're adding a box from HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud, make sure the box is

Name: bento/fedora-32
Address: https://vagrantcloud.com/bento/fedora-32
Requested provider: [:libvirt]

See also
