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[[docker context create aci]]
[[docker context create ecs]]
Create a new context
Create docker engine context:
$ docker context create CONTEXT [flags]
Create Azure Container Instances context:
$ docker context create aci CONTEXT [flags]
(see docker context create aci --help)
Create Amazon ECS context:
$ docker context create ecs CONTEXT [flags]
(see docker context create ecs --help)
Docker endpoint config:
NAME                DESCRIPTION
from                Copy named context's Docker endpoint configuration
host                Docker endpoint on which to connect
ca                  Trust certs signed only by this CA
cert                Path to TLS certificate file
key                Path to TLS key file
skip-tls-verify    Skip TLS certificate validation
Kubernetes endpoint config:
NAME                DESCRIPTION
from                Copy named context's Kubernetes endpoint configuration
config-file          Path to a Kubernetes config file
context-override    Overrides the context set in the kubernetes config file
namespace-override  Overrides the namespace set in the kubernetes config file
$ docker context create my-context --description "some description" --docker "host=tcp://myserver:2376,ca=~/ca-file,cert=~/cert-file,key=~/key-file"
  docker context create CONTEXT [flags]
  docker context create [command]
Available Commands:
  aci        Create a context for Azure Container Instances
  ecs        Create a context for Amazon ECS
      --default-stack-orchestrator string  Default orchestrator for stack operations to use with this context (swarm|kubernetes|all)
      --description string                  Description of the context
      --docker stringToString              Set the docker endpoint (default [])
      --from string                        Create context from a named context
  -h, --help                                Help for create
      --kubernetes stringToString          Set the kubernetes endpoint (default [])
Use "docker context create [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Latest revision as of 11:17, 10 January 2023

docker context create aci
docker context create ecs
Create a new context

Create docker engine context:
$ docker context create CONTEXT [flags]

Create Azure Container Instances context:
$ docker context create aci CONTEXT [flags]
(see docker context create aci --help)

Create Amazon ECS context:
$ docker context create ecs CONTEXT [flags]
(see docker context create ecs --help)

Docker endpoint config:

NAME                DESCRIPTION
from                Copy named context's Docker endpoint configuration
host                Docker endpoint on which to connect
ca                  Trust certs signed only by this CA
cert                Path to TLS certificate file
key                 Path to TLS key file
skip-tls-verify     Skip TLS certificate validation

Kubernetes endpoint config:

NAME                 DESCRIPTION
from                 Copy named context's Kubernetes endpoint configuration
config-file          Path to a Kubernetes config file
context-override     Overrides the context set in the kubernetes config file
namespace-override   Overrides the namespace set in the kubernetes config file


$ docker context create my-context --description "some description" --docker "host=tcp://myserver:2376,ca=~/ca-file,cert=~/cert-file,key=~/key-file"

  docker context create CONTEXT [flags]
  docker context create [command]

Available Commands:
  aci         Create a context for Azure Container Instances
  ecs         Create a context for Amazon ECS

      --default-stack-orchestrator string   Default orchestrator for stack operations to use with this context (swarm|kubernetes|all)
      --description string                  Description of the context
      --docker stringToString               Set the docker endpoint (default [])
      --from string                         Create context from a named context
  -h, --help                                Help for create
      --kubernetes stringToString           Set the kubernetes endpoint (default [])

Use "docker context create [command] --help" for more information about a command.

See also[edit]
